Friday, December 28, 2012
We surived!
Well Christmas is over and Guy and I are still alive! A huge thank you to all our friends and customers who visited our store this season. Without all of you we would not be in thank you. Whats next here at Stamm House? Well after a small break and we will be working on items for the Market Square wholesale show in Oaks Pa. the first week of Feb2013. I will be making some crazy Halloween and believe it or not more..aaagghhh..Christmas! After that we will be back home and working on new Easter items for the store. We will have a new German clown rabbit and a new German girl duck in her Easter bonnet. I'm also working on a German gnome under a toadstool candy coool! There will be new retro candies in the store when we reopen and a selection of new toys. Look for our open sign around the Valentines day briefly for a few days, then open for the Easter season around the end of Feb!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Some Day....
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
All packed up!
Just a short note to say we are off to the Der Belsnickle show in Boyertown Pa. This time of year we are on the run and hardly have a minute to think! Here's a quick picture of the last guy to get packed....
Sunday, November 11, 2012
It's a sunny Sunday!
We are having beautiful weather here in central pa., at least for the next day or two. I thought I'd write a quick note as I wait for a customer to arrive. Today is a "around the house" day for Guy and I. Later we will be catching up on a few projects the weather is allowing us to do. I will be changing the flower boxes in front of the store from fall to winter which will take us through to March. We need to hang some wonderful snow fall lights a dear friend gave to us and drag out the garlands for the windows. I'm sure somewhere along the way there will be the late afternoon nap on the couch! This week brings more belsnickle painting and getting stocked up for The Der Belsnickle show Thanksgiving weekend in Boyertown Pa. Two of our new woodland belsnickles I am posting a picture of here so you can see what we have been working on. These cool little guys have pine cone hats!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Crazy Town!
Today I'm crazy woman. That's not to say that I'm anything other than that most of the time! The whole day has felt like a mad dash to something. What I'm not sure but suspect it's the Christmas season. It gets like this around this time of the year, the days all blend together and I have to keep reminding myself what day/week it is. Today started with voting.Guy, myself and our four year old gran-daughter went to the high school to vote. I took Lily into the voting booth with me and tried to explained what I was doing. Afterward all she said was she was glad that it was over and grammie should be president. Ok, simple enough! It was then back to the studio to finish some more belsnickles and try to work on the store a bit. I feel right now if I had at least three more sets of hands I might get things on track. Sadly I do not so it's just me when it comes to the store decoration. I grabbed a quick picture of the store window tonight. Now it's back to painting and watching the election results..will I be a happy camper..or moving to another country? We will see!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Aaah..It's good to be a gnome!
Today is Sunday and I didn't do a thing in my studio.Nothing. Sometimes it's just good to get away from work. With the Christmas season right around the corner my days are filled with santas, santas and more santas.When my santas start to look "grumpy" it's a good idea to try something else. This week we worked on these little happy pine cone gnomes. We love gnomes, who wouldn't. They are happy little magical creatures that live in the woods. They have kozy little moss and stone houses with little glowing fireplaces. They spend their days doing all kinds of happy little jobs and humming happy little tunes! The little pine cone guys pictured were patterned after one I got from the Chec Republic. My husband says we need to have a little name card attached to each of them. For some reason Mr. Stamm has named the gnome on the right..Barry..he's such a happy little fellow!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Up..Up and away!
Actually it was pretty non eventful around here last night. We had a little rain and some strong wind but nothing like was predicted. I was hoping we would fly away like Dorthy in The Wizard of Oz and land in munchkin land where everything was pretty and clean but then I would have to deal with the wicked witch and all those little munchkins that I'm sure after awhile would get very annoying. Better off to stay put here on the ground! The poppy field would have been interesting though....a much needed nap! Back to reality, I have a shipment to pack of 50 little belsnickles all waiting to jump into the box and be shipped off to Shaker Workshops catalog for the Christmas season. So it's back to work for now ..whats next, pine cone gnomes for Christmas!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Waiting and watching....
The mother of all storms is soon to be upon us. Thinking about the age of my house, I think (she) would have seen it all by now. Built in 1830 I can't imagine that this old brick house hasn't done a few serious rounds with mother nature in her 182 years. Our biggest challenge is the rain runoff from the roof. Several years ago our borough instructed everyone that had spouting that ran into the sanitary storm drains to plug up their drains thus leaving us to have our courtyard flood every time in rains.The problem then becomes, the courtyard floods being surrounded by walls, then the water runs into our basement. If it's a bad storm like this one, the house basement that connects with the store basement turns into one big gigantic lake.The pumps can hardly keep up with the water so waiting for what this mother of all storms is going to do is a bit worrisome! I don't think we will blow away like Dorthy but I did take in my candy balls in front of the store. After all the work to make those things I would hate to see them floating down main street or flying through the air into someones store window let alone my own! Now our other house(cottage) out on Penns Creek may fly away. Being a little stone cabin with a tin roof, the roof could take off or worse case the place could flood being on the creek. Our cabin sits 30 feet above the water but I have seen the cute little creek expand into a ragging torrent and come have way up the embankment! Will this storm make the creek rise higher? Every year when I write the flood insurance check I bitch and moan about what a rip off it is..this may be the year I eat those words! Well enough about mother nature and her trick or treating on Pa. I do have a order of belsnickles to finish and ship off to Shaker Workshops catalog so I hope the power doesn't go out. I'm posting a picture of a new little belsnickle candy container we just finished. He's popping out of the chimney and comes with a bag of hard fruit candy from Germany inside..yummy!
Friday, October 26, 2012
It's been awhile!
Yes! It's been awhile since I have been able to get back to this blog. The last time I wrote anything I was getting ready to do a wholesale show in Gettysburg Pa. The show was fun as usual, seeing customers and fellow crafters. Now we are back in the studio and the marathon to Christmas has begun. I'm busy finishing an order for Shaker Workshops catalog along with several other orders that have to get in the mail. There are all sorts of odds and ends to tie up. Earlier today I was taking some pictures around our house.Not that this place is anything to great but I've had allot of requests to see what type of "enviroment" we live in! This is an old funeral home after all.....Next blog in a few days I have some pictures of new work to post so keep watching....
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Running on empty!
I've been MIA for awhile. We have been getting ready for a wholesale trade show in Gettysburg Pa. this coming week. All of my little gnomes and santa's are now packed and ready to go. It's been a long week of molding, painting, pricing and packing. I think at this point I've been living in the studio. Next week after I return I'll have some new pic's to post so catch ya then!
Friday, October 5, 2012
And to all a good night!
The big belsnickle project is finished. It's been along week with many projects rolling along at once. I, having taken a nasty fall two weeks ago am still hobbling around like a little elf! Along with my continuing eye problem(which my doctor said is excellent except the gas bubble isn't gone yet) my mobility is limited. We worked on this big guy this week along with a large Santa order for a dear friend in Ohio who once a year has a big Christmas bash and gives all the attendees a different one of our Santa's every year. My store is being decorated for Christmas with belsnickles, German sheep, feather trees and all sorts of goodies for the season. We now will turn our attention to a trade show we will be exhibiting at in Gettysburg Pa. mid Oct so We've gotta get moving! Here's a picture of the big guy!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Santa Claus is coming to town!
I'm posting the completed big belsnickle before he is coated with gesso. His face and coat have been completed and his boots were enlarged to balance him better. He will dry for a few more days and then we will coat him with gesso as a primer. I should have him painted by the end of the week if I can decide on a color.....I wanted to stay away from traditional red as it can get a bit boring but who knows, red it may be!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
And we all fall down!
Well yesterday proved to be interesting. As I had posted a few days ago, I had an eye appointment on Tues. The morning went as usual, coffee half awake, breakfast, shower, dressing and ready to leave. Wait..have to check the mail. Somehow, someway, while leaning out the front door to look in the mailbox I managed to fly headfirst down onto the porch floor..landing on my shoulder then my back. From my waist up I was laying on the porch, from the waist down I was laying inside the door. First response...PAIN, then OMG who saw me do this? All I could think was get up and get inside! I maneuvered myself back inside the door way and then came I've fallen and can't get up scream! Just like in the TV commercial. Luckily my husband and granddaughter were home. I'm sore today and all black and blue, just one more thing to add to the "list" right now. The eye is good....the rest of me sucks.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Taking a break...
I'll be taking a break for a few days from this blog.I have some orders to get finished plus Tues. I have a checkup with the eye surgeon. The gas bubble is still in my eye after 2 months and I'm hoping it will dissipate soon. This whole retina detachment is getting old! The big paper mache belsnickle is drying for a few days. There has been some cracking on the face area which is normal. I will have to go back and do some fill in work. We were working on the coat texture but there's still more to do. My store needs rearranged for the upcoming season so there's also much to do in there. Business had picked up lately and there's not enough of me to go around. It's cool and crisp here in the Northeast and we are loving it! Pie baking time! Back in a few days.......with new pictures!
Friday, September 21, 2012
End of the day...
Here's a quick picture of the next step in the belsnickle project. We have finished the head and now it's onto sculpting the coat. I have to go back and rework the boots..they are to small, but not a big problem!
The coat will be finished with folds and texture, a little more build up around the folded arm sections. Over all he's coming along fine!
Back at it!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
A little diversion...
I needed a break from earlier today while working on the big belsnickle. I finished these two belsnickle candy containers and wanted to post a quick picture. This time of year is crazy for "hopping" day I'm working in Halloween and the next I'm in Christmas.The older I get, trying to stay focused is becoming a real challenge. The big belsnickle project is something I have to walk away from occasionally to remain sane or else we are going to have a belsnickle gone wild!
This old boy smells!
I'm posting a picture in the next step of the big belsnickle project. We are fast approaching the sculpting phase. The wire armature has been covered with paper mache so you can see the belsnickle shape. Now the hard part begins, going back and sculpting all the texture and features. This is the make it or break it part! If this turns out crappy..well you won't see it again! If it turns out will!
Monday, September 17, 2012
All wired up!
Here's the pictures of the next stages in the big belsnickle project. The one picture shows the boot section sculpted and ready for drying. The body of the belsnickle is all wired and contoured. This afternoon we will start the paper mache. Stay tuned!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Another tiny step...
Here's a picture of this mornings changes in the big belsnickle. Guy wants me to document every step of the way so anyone who is interested in our wacky life can see this! In this picture you can see the side view of the belsnickle so we have a more 3D look to him. The next step will be to start attaching the wire plus a few more cardboard braces. Shaping is going to be interesting on this. There's a face involved so I'm not sure how this is going to proceed in that area. Right now I'm thinking the face area will be left just as a hollow space that I can come back and sculpt with paper clay. Check back in a few days for an update, he could look very different! Hopefully in a good way......
Friday, September 14, 2012
A little bit more....
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Waiting in the wings.....
This week has brought the wrapping up of unfinished loose ends. A few stray jack o lanterns, witch lanterns and belsnickles finally were finished and put into the store hopefully to find new homes soon! We have started on the six foot belsnickle and oh, what a project we have embarked on! This guy isn't to easy. Right now we are stuck on how to proceed on filling out his torso area. Guy and I both have different ideas about the construction so we are battling it out right now between us. I've come up with a new idea which is more labor intensive but may have a better outcome. I'll run this by Guy in the morning after his first few cups of coffee! More caffeine equals more agreeable! I'm posting a picture which isn't much to look at right now but hey, you can at least get an idea of our craziness!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Cool and Crisp!
This morning brought a cool crisp fall like feeling. It was so nice to turn off the air conditioners last night and actually use a blanket while sleeping. I always love this time of year. After the long hot days of summer when fall arrives my thoughts turn to natures bounty. I love passing the farm stands in my Mennonite valley. I always smile at the mountains of pumpkins, squash, corn and gourds piled on flatbed wagons along the side of the road. It reminds me that there really is a simpler life if only we would choose to stop long enough and look.As for work this week I am looking towards the Christmas season. With my schedule full of shows and commitments through next Feb. it's time to get moving. This week we molded a new German Belsnickle which I will have pictures of posted in a day or two. The picture that I am posting today is one of my most favorite candy containers. We have produced this Belsnickle for many years...enjoy!
Friday, September 7, 2012
The watch!
I just wanted to post a quick picture of an old friend I found today..the watch. Years ago my husband gave me this watch for some special occasion.Honestly after 30 years of marriage I have no idea what the special occasion was or when. Could this watch be any more perfect! It says..Get in your studio and make stuff!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
One elephant and three crazy pigs!
Today was a catch up and finish projects day in the studio. Late last night I spent a few hours moving work benches and paint tables just to "fluff" up the work space.I like a nice clean working environment so every now and then I go through this moving and cleaning phase.For those of you who don't know, I live in a funeral home. Our house and store was the Strunk Funeral Home for over 100 years in the same family.Our studio is where the bodies were processed and yes, we do have an embalming room which is where all the molding and sculpting is done. My store to the front was the casket show room and our home was where the funerals were held in the front parlor. Ok , yes we have spirits.Harmless ones.We have a ghost cat who made itself known the first time we were ever in the store. He comes and goes from time to time, walking into the walls. This is a cool old place and someday I'll post some pictures of it when I have the time. Here's the result of today's "catch up"..An elephant lantern and two more different pigs to go with the first pig I did. These are for you Jen!
Sweet Dreams!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
It's turkey time!
I'm posting a picture of the largest turkey candy container we make. We only make a couple of these every few years because of their difficulty, he's a real challenge! Today was a very fragmented day. It started early this morning with my granddaughter Lily standing beside my bed and scaring the life out of me! I wasn't expecting her quite so early but at only four years old she thought it was funny to see "grammie" jump awake.The morning continued on with me trying to have my cup of coffee in peace and quiet and Lily wanting me to play even when I couldn't focus yet. After breakfast, play dough, Don't Spill The Beans, glue crafts, squirt guns, Shrek2, and Scobbie Doo we ate lunch and mommy came to pick her up! By this time grammie was pooped and needed a nap. Tonight I finished this candy container..his head pulls off the front. Tomorrow will be another early day with Lily. Thankfully she loves crafts so just maybe I'll have someone to take over by business someday if we can just get past the glue craft stage!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
I'm going bananas!
This week has brought a welcomed departure from so much Halloween work. I was in the studio burnt out on pumpkins, cats, witches and the likes of the Halloween season when my box of paper mache forms fell open and out popped a banana! This gave me the excuse I was looking for, to do something different! I had picked up quiet a few of these fruit forms on a clearance months ago and thought someday I could do something creative with them. This was the day..something said.. GO BANANAS! After a few hours of "banana play", I ended up with a pile of these guys not quite knowing what to do with them. Here's the picture of the end result..the banana tree. The sly Zebra keeps getting in my pictures, he's a sneaky guy you cannot trust! If I'm missing some bananas, I know who ate them!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Ring around the Rosie
I haven't blogged for a few days because life has been swirling around me. I was thinking about the nursery rhyme..Ring around the Rosie. In my mind am I the "Rosie" in the center, stable and secure or am I the swirling ring spiraling out of control around it? Some day's I think I'm the "Rosie", other days I'm the "ring". Yesterday was a one month post op checkup. Everything's good. The doctor said he will see me next month and the gas bubble should be dissolved in my eye by then. If all goes well he will release me for cataract surgery. Good report so off we went to Michael's for craft supplies, gotta love their coupons! After I had my supply fix it was on to pick up Kentucky Fried Chicken and have lunch with my elderly aunt. Up until this point I was feeling like the "Rosie" stable and secure. Enter the "ring". No longer was there a Kentucky Fried Chicken! All my aunt had talked about to everyone and anyone all week was the Kentucky Fried Chicken I was bringing for lunch on Tues! With my aunts limited mobility her world is small and this chicken was a big big deal. Ok make the dreaded phone call..there's no KFC. After delivering the news with caution, we decided on Subway, Pepsi and glazed donuts...the donuts were not my doing, my aunts just a bit stubborn about this kind of thing.....she decides what she wants, diabetes or not..she's 83 and your not going to change her now! So after a quick reshuffle onward with the lunch. I was expecting to do her grocery shopping after our lunch date so when my aunt said.."no no I don't want you to spend your time doing that" I have to admit I was relieved..With a smile on my face I said.."Ok". In my mind I was thinking good, it's hot as hell out, my air conditioner in the car isn't working and really I'm just to damn tired to go grocery shopping. I'm back to being the Rosie! But more than a minute later I heard the words.."Well I could use a loaf of bread!" and oh, by the way "here's a list of other things I need" as she handed me a shopping list! Ring, ring, ring! I'm spiraling...ok I've got one foot out the door and the shopping list in my hand when I hear.."Oh..I'd like some ice cream" Oh crap now I have to get ice cream on this hellish hot day! Ring a ding a ding! Well to sum this up, everything was completed, my aunt was happy and I was one tired eyed woman just waiting to get home! So, Ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down! Yep, we do!
P.S I know there are several meanings to this nursery rhyme, I just choose to think of it as a children's fun game!
P.S I know there are several meanings to this nursery rhyme, I just choose to think of it as a children's fun game!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Little acorn!
by hand following the originals. Putz sheep are another item we make from the original antiques. So with much work ahead of me I'd better get moving this morning.....
Friday, August 24, 2012
RESPECT..the pig!
Here's a look at the pig and fox lanterns I finished last night. The idea for the crazy pig lantern came to me a few nights ago while working late in the studio. I can't really say what triggered this idea, maybe to much caffeine, lack of sleep or just the inner working of my twisted brain! Could have also been my crazy eye...right now my eyes are looking two different directions! The doctor says this is normal and will correct itself. I sure hope so because I do look a bit like a crazy woman! I guess it all fits! Crazy eye, crazy brain, crazy pig! Well onto my next endeavor whatever that will be, I'm sure it will show up here in a few days!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The candy balls are finished!
Here's a look at the finished candy ball project. All that needs to be done is the urn's have to be painted black. Their new home will be outside the front of my store. This was along project and frankly I'm burnt out on this one! I had plans for a tall candy stick man to complete the grouping but he's going have to wait for another time. Halloween work is picking up so my attention needs to turn to jacks, witches and ghouls for now. Guy will tie up the loose ends on the candy balls with painting the urn's and poly coating the candy balls. Off to the studio to start working today!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
This week in a nut shell!
This has been a frustrating week the whole way around. Family tension and professional tension has gotten the best of me. I think in times like this the best thing to do is turn to work and block the rest of the world out. I'm posting a picture of some crazy Halloween lanterns I have been working on. You may be able to tell by their crazy expressions that my mood while in the studio was not lets say, my best! With fall right around the corner work is starting to come in. Stores are wanting their Halloween merchandise so we have been busy making sure we have supply materials and our molds are on the bench and ready to go! I was able to secure a new show this week, for Nov. which will replace our participation in Mifflinburg's Christkindl Market. We will be showing at Der Belsnickle(how perfect is that considering we make a whole line of German Belsnickles) in Boyertown Pa, a class act show that we are excited to be part of .Back into the studio to play with the ghouls and goblins!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The acorns are falling!
Yesterday I reopened the store after a month long hiatus. I'm fairly use to moving around with one eye now so I thought it was time to get back to work. I had been working on this acorn lantern in the studio and he finely made it into the shop. I had the nicest customers who were new to the area visit the store and they snatched up the acorn right away! It's feeling a little "Fall..ish" here in central Pa. this morning so I'm motivated to shake the tree for some more acorns!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Well things just keep getting better and better!
Just a brief update here from Stamm House. As most of our local followers know we have been a vendor at Mifflinburg's Christkindl Market for the past 18 years. I'm sorry to say we won't have a booth this year. Apparently I did not have my application post marked by June 1st so I was put into "new vendor status". I have to admit dealing with my eye surgeries took center stage and application was not in my thoughts during this time. I received an email from the committee that all booths have been filled. Sorry. Eighteen years and being part of this community or so we thought....gone. I feel that the tradition of my customers buying their belsnickle each year at the market is such a loss for everyone, myself, my customers and the market itself. I will have my store open and a special event of some's a shame that we mean nothing more to this committee than an application......Kay
Thursday, August 16, 2012
What the ?!
Just wanted to give everyone an idea of what I live with. This morning as I dragged myself into the studio with my cup of coffee, this is what I found. My husband Guy was wearing the candy ball head we have been working on! I'm standing there thinking..OMG this is my life! I guess when things are getting a little boring around here we have to improvise to give ourselves a good laugh. Most of the time it's me making my santa's and jack o lantern's having the most bizarre conversations while I'm working on them. This time it was Guy. All I could think looking at him was..please lord let him be able to get that damn thing off his head!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Candy ball update and a sneak peek!
Just wanted to throw on a few pictures of some projects in the pipeline. I worked on one of the candy balls yesterday with my one eye..ha, ha..just a little eyeball humor! Hey, my world is small right now so just go with it! The candy ball pictured is going to have a pill box hat on her. The hat won't look anything like it does now, I just needed the striped box for the shape.I'm not sure what color this girl is going to be yet, maybe pink or yellow. The other candy ball is in the garage waiting her turn..maybe in a few days. The Halloween pieces are a peek at whats coming for the season. Lanterns in the one picture and a few nut cups in the other. Now all we need is some cool crisp air to get me motivated!
Friday, August 10, 2012
I'm feeling a bit toasty!
Well today brings another day of not much of anything. I've reached the frustration point with my eye sight. My doctor says the eyesight will come back but it will still be a few months away. Just in case we don't get the outcome we are hoping for I've been doing some reading on retraining. I feel like a little child about to have a temper tantrum when I can't do the simplest thing like picking up a cup of coffee....with one eye my hand and the cup are not connecting. Maybe I could get a "seeing eye" monkey to do these things for, I don't really like monkeys, their creepy and could go nuts and poke my other eye out! I tried to putter around in the studio and I managed to do a few small toasty marshmallows. I always like to think of any situation as a learning experience..this situation, maybe it's telling me I need to go camping!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
One fried eye!
Just a quick update. I'm confined to laying on my side for eight more days. Surgery went well but this not doing anything sucks! I am so bored and want to get back to work on sculpting. I'm posting a little picture because I have nothing else to do! Enjoy
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Just one more thing!
The count down has begun but here's one more thing I wanted to get posted.....the finished devil lantern. I promise this is it. Eye surgery tomorrow afternoon, then it's the loooong two weeks of not moving...crap!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Apple of my eye...
Well eye surgery is scheduled for Thurs. so let the count down begin! Here's the last of the candy apples I just finished. Normally the phrase apple of my eye is reserved for my Rottweiler named Apple. Sometimes she is the apple of my eye. Sometimes she is bad apple and on some occasion's she is rotten apple! Update on the candy balls..they are progressing. They will have to be on hold for two weeks since I will be down for awhile. That will be ok since it will give them time to dry well. I sure hope TMC will be showing a good string of 1930/1940's movies while I'm doing nothing but lying still for two long weeks. Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and Mildred Peirce would be a good start! That's all folks!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Fly fly away!
Late today I received word that I have a new eye appointment! I'll be gone from here for awhile so I can get this eye thing resolved. Fingers crossed I should be back at it in a week or so.....
The long wait...
Well here we are, Sunday afternoon and still no word on when my eye surgery is scheduled. Since there is only a one week window to get this repaired and we are on day three, I'm getting a little freaky. Freaky crafter is not good! Yesterday proved to be a very busy day for orders on my new sculpted pieces. Now that so many of my creations have been spoken for, I really do need to get back to work. Last night I gave it my best shot but I just can't focus up close. The final result was my sculpting tools flying across the room along with a string of unintelligible words! I'm posting a picture of a few things I made last week..Take a look, a crabby candy apple, angry lemons and one sly tomato!
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