Friday, August 17, 2012

Well things just keep getting better and better!

Just a brief update here from Stamm House. As most of our local followers know we have been a vendor at Mifflinburg's Christkindl Market for the past 18 years. I'm sorry to say we won't have a booth this year. Apparently I did not have my application post marked by June 1st so I was put into "new vendor status". I have to admit dealing with my eye surgeries took center stage and application  was not in my thoughts during this time. I received an email from the committee that all booths have been filled. Sorry. Eighteen years and being part of this community or so we thought....gone.  I feel that the tradition of my customers buying their belsnickle each year at the market is such a loss for everyone, myself, my customers and the market itself. I will have my store open and a special event of some's a shame that we mean nothing more to this committee than an application......Kay


  1. That just sucks. Perhaps you could picket in front of the market and put out a money can so people can donate to buy you a new eye.
